ITRN 2025 Conference:

 • Call for Papers

 • Submit Abstract

 • Conference Registration

 • Sponsors

What is the ITRN?

The Irish Transport Research Network (ITRN) was formed in late 2009 by a group of university based researchers with the aim to transport teaching and research on the island of Ireland. The group intends to bring together researchers and academics in universities and institutions of higher education, policy makers and practitioners government departments and industry professionals to promote innovation and progress in Transport in Ireland.

What the ITRN Does

An annual conference for staff, research students and other transport researchers which is designed to discuss research needs, research in progress and to give research students the opportunity to present papers on their work.
Liaison with users and sponsor of transport research (including the relevant professional institutions and organisations) aimed at promoting the benefits of university research, the timely dissemination of information on research opportunities to ITRN members and the general disseminations of information on the relevant research activities of members.

The Importance of Transport Research: ITRN Video